Sound Programme
17 OCT 2020 - 24 JAN 2021
Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Warsaw, PL (& Online Worldwide)
The Sound Intervention Service is a programme of six provocative audio and sound artworks that act as a user's guide, offering tools to support your daily routine. This collection of artworks entails field recordings, forms of ASMR, as well as meditations and direct methods of engagement. The programme welcomes two new commissions from artists Karolina Breguła and Katarzyna Krakowiak, alongside artworks from Rebekah Ubuntu, Zorka Wollny, Erin Gee & Sofian Audry, and Diana Lelonek & Denim Szram.
In Despair, Hope and Healing: Three Movements for Climate Justice, Ubuntu composes a contrast of sound samples, field recordings, vocal activism and advocacy, that acts as a dedication to the unique, fragile and imperilled equilibrium of our planet’s ecosystem.
In Quiet Rush, Wollny has created a composed sound situation that reacts to the specific spatial, historical and natural conditions of mines hidden under the Earth's surface.
Gee & Audry’s of the soone, is an intimate setup of encounters with a soft female voice that comes to whisper a script written by a machine learning algorithm, showcasing each stage of the "learning" process as the algorithm slowly learns to "speak".
Lelonek and Szram’s Melting Gallery highlights the recordings of the three melting Alpine glaciers: du Rhone, Aletsch and Morteratsch, composed into a song, that acts as a symphony of disappearing glaciers, highlighting the slowly trickling catastrophe.
Curated by Joseph Cutts as part of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute's Digital Cultures: Imagine Futures festival
Complete Programme Listing here
e-flux Announcement here